What are SAMSUNG's obligations

Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0


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tear; (f) defects or damage resulting from the use of Product in conjunction or connection with accessories, products, or ancillary/peripheral equipment not furnished or approved by SAMSUNG; (g) defects or damage resulting from improper testing, operation, maintenance, installation, service, or adjustment not furnished or approved by SAMSUNG, including but not limited to installation of unauthorized software and unauthorized root access, both of which shall void this limited warranty;

(h)defects or damage resulting from external causes such as collision with an object, fire, flooding, dirt, windstorm, lightning, earthquake, exposure to weather conditions, theft, blown fuse, or improper use of any electrical source;

(i)defects or damage resulting from cellular signal reception or transmission, or viruses or other software problems introduced into the Product; or (j) Product used or purchased outside the United States. This Limited Warranty covers batteries only if battery capacity falls below 80% of rated capacity or the battery leaks, and this

Limited Warranty does not cover any battery if (i) the battery has been charged by a battery charger not specified or approved by SAMSUNG for charging the battery; (ii) any of the seals on the battery are broken or show evidence of tampering; or (iii) the battery has been used in equipment other than the SAMSUNG Tablet for which it is specified.

What are SAMSUNG's obligations?

During the applicable warranty period, provided the Product is returned in accordance with the terms of this Limited Warranty, SAMSUNG will repair or replace the Product, without charge to Purchaser, or at SAMSUNG's sole option, refund the purchase price.

SAMSUNG may, at SAMSUNG's sole option, use rebuilt, reconditioned, or new parts or components when repairing any Product, or may replace Product with a rebuilt, reconditioned or new Product. Repaired/replaced cases will be warranted for a period of ninety (90) days.


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What are SAMSUNG's obligations - Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0