
Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 10.1 NOOK, Galaxy Tab 4 10.1


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International Cohort Study on Mobile Phone Users (COSMOS)

The COSMOS study aims to conduct long-term health monitoring of a large group of people to determine if there are any health issues linked to long-term exposure to radio frequency energy from cell phone use. The COSMOS study will follow approximately 300,000 adult cell phone users in Europe for 20 to 30 years. Additional information about the COSMOS study can be found at:


RiskofBrainCancerfromExposuretoRadioFrequencyFieldsinChildhood and Adolescence (MOBI-KIDS)

MOBI-KIDS is an international study investigating the relationship between exposure to radio frequency energy from communication technologies including cell phones and brain cancer in young people. This is an international multi-center study


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www.ukcosmos.org/index.html - Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 10.1 NOOK