Web page graphics (logos, pictures, banners, advertisement, etc.); additional data used in accessing, transporting, and routing the file on our network; data from partial or interrupted downloads;
Your Bill
Your bill provides you notice of your charges. It reflects monthly recurring charges (usually billed one bill cycle in advance), fees, taxes, Surcharges, product and equipment charges, subscription charges, and usage/transaction specific charges (usually billed in the bill cycle
in which they’re incurred). Some usage charges, such as those that depend on usage information from a third party, may be billed in subsequent bill cycles and result in higher than expected charges for that month. Bill cycles and dates may change from time to time. Your bill may also include other important notices (for example, changes to your Agreement, to your Service, legal notices, etc.). Your paper bill may not include itemized billing detail. More specific billing information is available online. Paper bills may be subject to an additional charge. Unless prohibited by law, other charges (for example, data Services or taxes and surcharges) will not
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