Check the amount of available memory. You can close background apps and reduce the amount of memory you are using to speed up your device.
◌From Settings, tap Device care > Memory. The used and available memory are shown.
•Tap Clean now to free up as much memory as possible.
•Tap View more to view the full list of apps and services using memory. Tap to include or exclude these apps and services.
•Tap Apps not used recently to view apps and services that are included in this group. Tap to include or exclude these apps and services.
•Tap Apps to exclude from cleaning to choose apps to exclude from memory usage checks.
Advanced options
Other Device care features are available in the Advanced menu.
◌ From Settings, tap Device care > •• More options > Advanced. The following
options are available:
•Notifications: Enable or disable notifications from Device care.
•Auto optimization: Automatically optimize the device daily.
–Time: Choose a time of day to optimize the device.
–Close apps to free up memory: Enable to free up memory by closing apps that are running in the background.
•Auto restart: Automatically restart the device on a custom schedule.
–Days: Choose one or more days to restart the device.
–Time: Choose a time of day to restart the device.
•Optimize settings: Save battery power by optimizing settings when the device is not in use.
–Reduce brightness: Change brightness settings.
–Screen timeout: Turn off the screen after 30 seconds of inactivity.
–Media volume: Limit playback volume to 46%.