General Terms and Conditions of Service
Please note that these terms may not be the most current version. A current version of the terms is available at our website at or upon request.
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Basic Definitions
In this document: (1) “we,” “us,” “our,” and “Sprint” mean Sprint Solutions, Inc., as contracting agent on behalf of the applicable Sprint affiliated entities providing the products and Services; (2)
“you,” “your,” “customer,” and “user” mean an account holder with us or any user of our Devices or Services; (3) “Device” means any phone, aircard, mobile broadband device, any other device, accessory, or other product that we provide you, we sell to you, or is active on your account with us; and
(4) “Service” means
The Service Agreement
These Ts&Cs are part of your service agreement with us (the “Agreement”) and constitute a contract under which we provide you Services under terms
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