Deposits & Returning Deposits | to your last known address within 90 days | |
We may at any time require a deposit | after your final | |
us, we will forward it on to the appropriate | ||
as a guarantee of payment for you to | ||
state authorities to the extent required | ||
establish or maintain Service (“Deposit”). | ||
by law. | ||
By providing us a Deposit, you grant us a | ||
security interest for all current or future | Restrictions On Using Services | |
amounts owed to us. We may change the | You can’t use our Services: (a) in a way | |
Deposit at any time with notice. You can’t | ||
use a Deposit to make or delay payments. | that could cause damage or adversely | |
The Deposit, the length of time we hold the | affect any of our other customers or our | |
Deposit, and changes to the Deposit are | reputation, networks, property, or Services; | |
determined based on your credit history, | or (b) in any way prohibited by the terms | |
payment history, and other factors. Unless | of our Services, the Agreement, or our | |
prohibited by law, we may mix Deposits | Policies. You cannot in any manner resell | |
with our other funds and it won’t earn | the Services to another party. For additional | |
interest, and we reserve the right to return | restrictions on the use of our Services, see | |
the Deposit as a credit on your invoice at | our Acceptable Use Policy and Visitors | |
anytime. If your Services are terminated for | Agreement, which are available on our | |
any reason, we may keep and apply your | website, and the detailed plan or other | |
Deposit to any outstanding charges. We’ll | information on Services that we provide or | |
send any remaining portion of the Deposit | refer you to during the sales transaction. |
24 | General Terms and Conditions of Service |