Running Services, Android Development, USB Debugging, Allowing Mock Locations

Samsung Galaxy S


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Running Services

Running Services

The Running services option allows you to view and control currently running services such as Backup, Google Talk, SNS (messaging), Swype, and more.

1.Press USB DebuggingAllowing Mock Locations and then tap Manual background (Settings) Applications Running services.

The screen displays all the processes that are running.

2.Tap a process to stop the process from running.

When you stop the process the service or application will no longer run until you start the process or application again.

Important!: Stopping a process might have undesirable consequences on the application.

Android Development

Press Manual backgroundManual background and then tap Manual background (Settings) Applications Development.

Important!: These features are used for development purposes only.

USB Debugging

This feature is used for development purposes only.

Allowing Mock Locations

This feature is used for development purposes only.

If you are a developer who is testing a GPS applications using this device, you can tell the device that the phone is at different GPS locations. In other words, the phone is allowed to “mock” the coordinates.

Changing Your Settings


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Running Services, Android Development, USB Debugging - Samsung