App permissions, Improve accuracy, Recent location requests, Location services

Samsung Galaxy Tab S4


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App permissions

Configure permissions for apps that want to access your location information.

1.From Settings, tap App permissions Location > App permissions.

2.Tap an app and select which of the following location permissions to grant it:

Allow all the time

Allow only while using the app


Improve accuracy

Enable other location scanning tools.

1.From Settings, tap Improve accuracy Location > Improve accuracy.

2.Tap connection method to add or remove from location services:

Wi-Fi scanning: Allow apps and services to scan for Wi-Fi networks automatically, even when Wi-Fi is turned off.

Bluetooth scanning: Allow apps to scan for and connect to nearby devices automatically through Bluetooth, even when Bluetooth is turned off.

Recent location requests

View a list of apps that have requested your location.

1.From Settings, tap Recent location requests Location.

2.Tap Location services to turn on Location services.

3.Tap an entry under Recent location requests to view the app’s settings.

Location services

Location services store and use your device’s most recent location data. Certain apps can use this data to improve your search results based on places that you have visited.

1.From Settings, tap Manual background Location.

2.Tap an entry under Location services to see how your location information is used.


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App permissions, Improve accuracy, Recent location requests - Samsung