Skipping to other songs, Answering or rejecting a call, Answering a second call

Samsung Box


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Using the Bluetooth speaker
Using the Bluetooth speaker

Skipping to other songs

Press and hold the Volume (+) button to skip to the next song during music playback. Press and hold the Volume (-) button to skip to the previous song during music playback.

Using call features

When the Bluetooth speaker is connected to a mobile device, you can answer and control calls from the connected mobile device.

Answering or rejecting a call

Press the Play/Bluetooth pairing button to answer a call.Press and hold the Play/Bluetooth pairing button to reject an incoming call.

Adjusting the volume

Press the Volume (+) button or Volume (-) button to adjust the volume during a call.

Answering a second call

When a second call comes in during a call, the Bluetooth speaker will emit a beep.

Press and hold the Play/Bluetooth pairing button to reject an incoming second call during a call.

Press the Play/Bluetooth pairing button to place a call on hold and answer a second call. Press the Play/Bluetooth pairing button to switch between two calls.

Ending a call

Press the Play/Bluetooth pairing button to end a call.

Press and hold the Play/Bluetooth pairing button to end a current call and answer the held call.

English (UK)



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Skipping to other songs, Answering or rejecting a call, Ending a call - Samsung