MetroPCS Terms and Conditions of Service (“Agreement”)

Samsung Galaxy S9


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MetroPCS Terms and Conditions of Service (“Agreement”)

For the most recent and up-to-date version of the MetroPCS Terms and Conditions of Service to which you agree and will be bound when you activate, use, change or pay for your MetroPCS service, please visit

Welcome to MetroPCS. We are pleased that you have selected us as your wireless carrier. Our Terms and Conditions of Service are available at Terms and Conditions of Service apply to all devices and wireless services provided by us to you and consist of several parts, which may be amended from time to time.

In the event that the terms and conditions relating to a feature you may have selected or may be included in your Rate Plan conflict with the MetroPCS Terms and Conditions of Service, the MetroPCS Terms and Conditions of Service shall control.


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MetroPCS Terms and Conditions of Service (“Agreement”) - Samsung