View passwords, Device administration, Credential storage

Samsung Galaxy Tab S4


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View passwords

You can have characters displayed briefly in password fields as you type them.

From Settings, tap View passwords Biometrics and security > Other security settings > Make passwords visible to turn on the feature.

Device administration

You can authorize security features and apps (like Find My Device) to have administrative access to your device.

1.From Settings, tap Device administration Biometrics and security > Other security settings > Device admin apps.

2.Tap an option to turn it on as a device administrator.

Credential storage

You can manage the trusted security certificates installed on your device, which verify the identity of servers for secure connections.

From Settings, tap Credential storage Biometrics and security > Other security settings for the following options:

Storage type: Select a storage location for credential contents.

View security certificates: Display certificates in your device’s ROM and other certificates you have installed.

User certificates: View user certificates that identify your device.

Install from device storage: Install a new certificate from storage.

Clear credentials: Erase credential contents from the device and reset the password.


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View passwords, Device administration, Credential storage - Samsung