Play video, Edit video

Samsung Galaxy Tab S4


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Play video


Play video

View the videos stored on your device. You can save videos as favorites, and view video details.

1.From Edit video Gallery, tap Pictures.

2.Tap a video to view it. Swipe left or right to view other pictures or videos.

To mark the video as a favorite, tap Manual background Add to Favorites. The video is added to Favorites under the Albums tab.

To access the following features, tap Manual background More options:

Details: View and edit information about the video.

Move to Secure Folder: Add this video to your Secure Folder.

3.Tap Manual background Play video to play the video.

Edit video

Edit videos stored on your device.

1.From Manual background Gallery, tap Pictures.

2.Tap a video to view it.

3.Tap Manual background Edit to use the following tools:

Manual background Play: Preview the edited video.

Manual background Rotate: Rotate the video clockwise.

Manual background Trim: Cut segments of the video.

Manual background Filters: Add visual effects to the video.

Manual background Sticker: Overlay illustrated or animated stickers.

Manual background Draw: Draw on your video.

Manual background Text: Add text to your videos.

Manual background Portrait: Enhance skin tones, eyes, and other facial features.

Manual background Speed: Adjust the play speed.

Manual background Audio: Adjust the volume levels and add background music to the video.

Resolution: Change the resolution of the video.

4.Tap Save, and then confirm when prompted.


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Play video, Edit video - Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 SM-T837PZKASPR