Reduce animations
Decrease certain motion effects, such as when opening apps.
◌From Settings, tap Advanced features > Reduce animations to enable the feature.
Double tap to wake
Turn on the screen by
◌From Settings, tap Advanced features > Motions and gestures > Double tap to wake to enable this feature.
Smart stay
Smart stay uses the front camera to detect your face so that the screen stays on while you are looking at it.
◌From Settings, tap Advanced features > Motions and gestures > Smart stay,
and tap to enable the feature.
Device maintenance
View the status of your device’s battery, storage, and memory. You can also automatically optimize your device’s system resources.
Quick optimization
The quick optimization feature improves device performance through the following actions:
•Identifying apps that use excessive battery power and clearing unneeded items from memory.
•Deleting unnecessary files and closing apps running in the background.
•Scanning for malware.
To use the quick optimization feature:
◌From Settings, tap Device care > Optimize now.