Single take, Record videos, Zoom-inmic

Samsung Galaxy Note10+ 5G


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Camera and Gallery

Single take

Capture more in each shot by taking both photos and videos at the same time. This shooting mode uses AI to create high-quality images and videos from multiple angles. The number of images and videos may vary.

1.From Single take Camera, swipe to Single take.

2.Tap 1.From  Camera, swipe to Single take. Record and pan around the scene to capture multiple angles and views. The videos and images will be saved as a single entry in the Gallery.

Record videos

Record smooth lifelike videos using your device.

1.From Record videos Camera, swipe to Video.

2.Tap  Capture Record to begin recording a video.

To take a picture while recording, tap  Pause Capture.

To temporarily stop recording, tap  Resume Pause. To continue recording, tap  Stop Resume.

3.Tap Zoom-in mic Stop when you are finished recording.

Zoom-in mic

Increase the volume of the sound being recorded and minimize background noise as you zoom in on an audio source in Video mode. This feature cannot be used with other video modes or with the front camera.

1.From 1.From  Camera, tap  Settings. Camera, tap 2.Tap Advanced recording options > Zoom-in mic, and tap  to enable. Settings.

2.Tap Advanced recording options > Zoom-in mic, and tap Manual background to enable.

3.Tap Manual background Back to return to the main Camera screen.

4.Swipe to change the shooting mode to Video.

5.Tap Manual background Record to begin recording.

6.Bring your fingers together or apart on the screen to zoom in or out on the audio source. The microphone icon indicates the level of amplification being applied.


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Single take, Record videos, Zoom-inmic - Samsung Galaxy Note10+ 5G