Getting started
Hover over words with the S Pen to translate them and listen to their pronunciation.
1.Tap Air command > Translate.
2.Tap the icon to change between translating a word and translating a phrase:
• Phrases: Translate an entire phrase.
• Words: Translate a word.
3.Tap the source and target languages to change them to the desired languages.
4.Hover the S Pen over a word.
•Tap Sound to hear the word pronounced in the source language.
•Tap Copy to save the selected text and the translation to your clipboard.
5.Tap Close to close Translate.
Use the S Pen to draw, color, edit, and share live drawings. For more information, see
◌Tap Air command > PENUP.
Add shortcuts
You can customize the Air command menu by adding shortcuts to apps and functions.
1.Tap Air command > Add.
2.Tap the apps or functions you would like to add to the Air command menu.
•To remove an app shortcut, tap Remove.
3.Tap Navigate up to save your selection.