Deleting Videos, Sharing Videos, Using Popup Video Player

Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 8.0


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Deleting Videos

Note: Some file formats are not supported depending on the device's software. Some files may not play properly depending on the encoding method used.

Deleting Videos

Touch Sharing Videos Menu Delete, select videos by ticking, and then touch Delete.

Sharing Videos

Touch  Menu Menu Share via, select videos by ticking, touch Done, and then select a sharing method.

Using Popup Video Player

Use this feature to use other applications without closing the video player.

While watching videos, touch Share via to use the pop-up player.

Spread two fingers apart on the screen to enlarge the player or pinch to reduce it.

To move the player, drag the player to another location.

Camera and Video


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Deleting Videos, Sharing Videos, Using Popup Video Player - Samsung