View pictures, Edit pictures

Samsung Galaxy S10


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View pictures

Camera and Gallery

View pictures

Pictures stored on your device are viewable in the Gallery app.

1.From 0 Gallery, tap Pictures.

2.Tap a picture to view it. Swipe left or right to view other pictures or videos.

To use Bixby Vision on the current picture, tap

Bixby Vision. For more


information, see Bixby.



To mark the picture as a favorite, tap Q Add to Favorites.



To access the following features, tap





Details: View and edit information about the picture.

Remaster picture: Refine a picture with automatic image improvements.

Copy to clipboard: Copy the image to paste in another app.

Set as wallpaper: Set the picture as wallpaper.

Move to Secure Folder: Move the picture to a Secure Folder.

Print: Send the picture to a connected printer.

Edit pictures

Enhance your pictures using the Gallery's editing tools.

1.From 0 Gallery, tap Pictures.

2. Tap a picture to view it, and then tap 1.From 0 Gallery, tap Pictures. Edit for the following options:

Bixby Vision. For more Auto adjust: Apply automatic adjustments to improve the picture.


Transform: Rotate, flip, crop, or make other changes to the overall




appearance of the picture.



Filters: Add color effects.



Tone: Adjust the brightness, exposure, contrast, and more.



Decorations: Add text, stickers, or hand drawn content.

More options: Tap to access additional editing features.




Revert: Undo the changes applied to restore the original picture.

3. Tap Save when finished.


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View pictures, Edit pictures - Samsung Galaxy S10 SM-G973UZWEVZW