Video Player, AMOLED cinema, File name, Move controls, Video list, Rewind

Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4


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Video Player

Video Player

Play and manage videos stored on your device.

AMOLED cinema

File name

Playback position

Move controls

Video list



Access the Video Player

1.From a Home screen, tap AMOLED cinemaFile nameMove controls Video list Apps > Rewind Video.

2.Swipe through the videos stored on your device. After a few seconds, each video thumbnail begins playing a preview of the clip.

3.Tap a video to view it.

Pop-up player

Change player


More options

Move controls

Screen ratio

Fast forward

Manage Videos

Once you have recorded and saved at least one video, you can manage them in the Video app.

1.From a Home screen, tap Pause/Play 1.From a Home screen, tap  Apps >  Video.Pop-up playerScreen ratio Apps > Fast forward Video.

2.Tap •Tap  Share via to share the videos. More options > Select, and then tap videos to chose them for the following options:

Tap •Tap  Delete to delete the videos. Share via to share the videos.Tap •Tap  More options to edit, rename, or view more details. Delete to delete the videos.Tap Manual background More options to edit, rename, or view more details.



Video Player




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Video Player, AMOLED cinema, File name, Move controls, Video list - Samsung