Internet, Access the Internet with a fully-featuredweb browser, Command Keys

Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7


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Access the Internet with a fully-featured web browser.

Access the Internet

From a Home screen, tap ...Access the Internet with a fully-featured web browser.Access the Internet Apps >  Apps Internet.

Command Keys

The following command keys are available:

<Back or  Internet Back: Return to the previous page.

>Forward: Go forward to a recent page.

{I Add to Bookmarks: Add the current web page to bookmarks.

[[] Page info: View the address and certificate for this page.

0 Refresh: Refresh or reload the current web page.

(n) Home: Display your Internet Home screen.

op Bookmarks: Manage bookmarked pages, saved pages, and history.


.More options: Share, save, or bookmark a web page, open a new secret tab, display Internet app settings, and more.

[±] New tab: Open a new browser tab.

xl Close tab: Close a browser tab.




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Internet, Access the Internet with a fully-featuredweb browser - Samsung