Common Options, Drag, Pinch and Spread

Samsung Galaxy S6 Active


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Touch and hold an item, and then move it to a new location.

Drag an app shortcut to add it to a Home screen.

Drag a widget to place it in a new location on a

Home screen.

Pinch and Spread

Pinch the screen using your thumb and forefinger or spread by moving your fingers apart.

Pinch the screen to zoom out while viewing a picture or a web page.

Spread your fingers on the screen to zoom in while viewing a picture or a web page.

Common Options

The device uses basic command options to perform common actions.

Pinch and Spread More options: Tap to view more menu options for a screen. This often allows you to select items to delete or share.

Common Options Delete: Tap to select items to delete.

 More options Share: Tap to select items to share, and then choose a sharing method.

 Share Edit: Tap to customize the screen.

On/Off: Tap to turn the option on ( Menu) or

off (Manual background).

Manual background Checkbox: Tap to enable or select. When enabled, a checkmark is displayed. You can often tap a checkbox at the top of the screen to select all.

Manual background Menu: Tap to view available options for the field.

Know Your Device



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Common Options, Drag, Pinch and Spread - Samsung Galaxy S6 Active