Answer a Call
When a call is received, the phone rings and the caller’s phone number or name is displayed, if it is stored in the Contacts list.
►On the incoming call screen, drag Answer to the right to answer the call.
If you are using an app, a
►On the incoming call screen, tap Answer to answer the call.
Decline a Call
►On the incoming call screen, drag Decline to the left to reject the call and send it to your voicemail.
If you are using an app, a
►Tap Decline to reject the call and send it to your voicemail.
Decline with Message
►On the incoming call screen, drag Send message upward and select a message.
If you are using an app, a
►Tap Send message and select a message.
End a Call
To finish your call:
►Tap End when you are ready to end your call.
Calling | 36 | Make and Answer Calls |