Video Player, Play and manage videos stored on your device, Pop-upplayer

Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 8.0


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Video Player

Video Player

Play and manage videos stored on your device.

Pop-up player

File name

Playback position

Time elapsed

Video list

Playback controls

Change player Volume More options

Video length

Screen ratio

Change players: Play the video on nearby devices.File name: View the name of the video file.More options: Tap to view more options.

Playback controls: Tap the icons to fast-forward, rewind, play, or pause the current video.

Playback position: Drag to skip to another part of the video.Pop-up player: Tap to open the video in the pop- up player window.
Screen ratio: Change the screen ratio.Time elapsed: View the time elapsed for the current video.Video length: View the total length of the video.Video list: Display videos to the left of the video playing.Volume: Adjust the volume.



Video Player




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Video Player, Play and manage videos stored on your device, File name - Samsung