Other Category Options, Options for Selected Files and Folders

Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 NOOK


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Other Category Options

Use My File options to search, edit, clear file history, and more.1.From a Home screen, tap Other Category Options Apps > Use My File options to search, edit, clear file history, and more. My Files.2.After tapping a category, the following options are available:Search: Search for a file or folder.View as: Choose how you want to view file information.More: Tap for the following options (not all categories support all options):-Edit: Select files or folders.-Share: Share files or folders.-Create folder: Create a new folder (Local storage).-Add shortcut: Add a shortcut to a folder on the main My Files screen.-Delete shortcut: Delete a shortcut you created.-Sort by: Change the sort order of the files.-Show/Conceal hidden files: Show or conceal hidden files.Note: Options vary by category and folder.

Options for Selected Files and Folders

1.From a Home screen, tap 1.From a Home screen, tap  Apps >  My Files. Apps > 2.After tapping a category, the following options are available: My Files.2.Tap a folder in Local storage.

3.Tap More > Edit, and then tap one or more files or folders. The following functions are available:

Delete: Delete files or folders.Move: Move files or folders to another folder.More: Select one of the following options:-Copy: Copy files or folders to another folder.

-Rename: Rename a file or folder. This option only appears when just one file or folder is selected.

-Add shortcut on Home screen: Add a shortcut to the folder or file on the main Home screen.

-Compress: Create a zip folder containing the selected files. This option only appears in Local Storage categories. A selected zip folder has the additional options of Extract and Extract to current folder.

-Details: View details of the selected files or folders.



My Files




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Other Category Options, Options for Selected Files and Folders - Samsung