AT&T Apps | 49 | Connections | . .91 |
Additional Apps | .51 | Sounds and Vibration | 103 |
Calculator | 53 | Notifications | 109 |
Calendar | 54 | Display | .110 |
Camera and Video | 57 | Wallpaper | .114 |
Clock | 62 | Advanced Features | .115 |
Contacts | 65 | Device Maintenance | .118 |
.72 | Applications Settings | 123 | |
Galaxy Apps | .76 | Lock Screen and Security | 125 |
Gallery | .77 | Cloud and Accounts | 133 |
Internet | .81 | Google Settings | 139 |
Memo | 85 | Accessibility | 140 |
My Files | 87 | General Management | 144 |
Settings | 89 | Software Update | .152 |
How to Use Settings | 90 | About Tablet | 153 |
Table of Contents |
| viii |