Music Player, Favorite, Shuffle songs, Time elapsed, List view, Change player

Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.1


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Music Player

Music Player

Listen to your favorite songs with the Music player. Navigate through your music library, play songs, and create customized playlists.


Shuffle songsFavorite

Time elapsed

List view

Playback controls

Change player


More options

Repeat Shuffle songsmode

Song length


Change player: Play via a nearby device.Volume: Tap to adjust the volume.More options: Tap to view more options.Repeat mode: Tap to control playback.Song length: The length of the song.Suggestions: View songs suggested by your listening habits.

Playback controls: Tap the icons to fast-forward or rewind or play or pause the current song.

List view: List song information.Time elapsed: The time elapsed for the current song.Shuffle songs: Tap to control the order songs are played.Favorite: Tag the song as a favorite.



Music Player




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Music Player, Favorite, Shuffle songs, Time elapsed, List view - Samsung