Structure of folders and fi les on the storage media
• The folder and fi le structure for the memory card is as follows:•Do not arbitrarily change or remove the folder or fi lename. It may not be playable.• The fi le naming follows DCF (Design rule for Camera File System).Image configuration file 1This is where data for photo fi les such as DPOF are stored.Movie image file 2The movie images are formatted with a fi le name asfollows: SMOV0001. The fi le number automatically increases when a new movie image fi le is created.
When the number of fi les exceeds 99, a new folder is created and it is stored as 101SSMOV .
Photo image file 3 As in movie image fi les, the fi le number automaticallyincreases when a new image fi le is created. When the number of photo images exceeds 99, a new folder is created.
A new folder stores fi les from DCAM0001. The folder name increases in the order of 100SSDVC 101SSDVC etc.
Image format
Movie image•Images are compressed in MPEG4 (Moving Picture Experts Group) format. The fi le extension is “.AVI.”
•The picture size is 720X480.Photo image•Photo images are compressed in JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format. The fi le extension is “.JPG.”
•The image size is 800x600.•Up to 99 fi les are created in one folder. New folder is created when more than 99 fi les are created.
•You may modify the name of a fi le/folder stored in the memory card using a PC. This DVD camcorder may not recognise modifi ed fi les.
• 以下为存储卡的文件夹和文件的结构:• 不要任意移动或者更改文件夹或者文件名称。这样做很可能导致文件不能正常播出。• 文件名由 DCF( 相机文件系统设计规则 ) 规定。图像配置文件①它用于存储照片文件,如 DPOF 的数据。影音图像文件②影音图像的格式为:SMOV0001。当录制了一个新的影 音文件,将会自动增加一个文件编号。当文件数量超过 9 个的时候,就要创建一个新的文件夹,譬如被命名为01SSMOV 的影音文件夹。照片图像文件③如果是影音图像文件的话,当创建一个新的图像文件时 便会自动增加一个文件编号。当照片图像数目超过 99 时,就会创建新的文件夹。 一个新的文件夹存放文件从 DCAM0001 开始。文件夹 名称按照 100SSDVC 101SSDVC 的顺序创建。
影音图像•影音文件的压缩格式为 MPEG4 (Moving Picture Experts Group)。文 件扩展名是“.AVI”。•图像大小为 720X480。照片图像•照片图像的压缩格式为 JPEG ( 摄影专业人员联合组织 )。文件的扩展 名为“.JPG”。•图像文件大小为 800x600。•一个文件夹最多可以保存 99 个文件。当创建了超过 99 个文件时, 则会创建一个新的文件夹。•可以使用计算机修改存储在存储卡中的文件 / 文件夹的名称。此 DVD 摄像机也许不能识别修改后的文件。95_ English | 中文 _95 |