You should set the, This DVD camcorder provides two, 1.Turn the DVD camcorder on

Samsung Handheld


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DVD camcorder mode:

DVD camcorder mode:

DVD 摄像机模式:录制 / 播放







You should set the Storage mode switch to DISC before recording on a disc. (SC-DX103/DX105 only) page 30

You can record movie images using the remote control. (SC-DX105 only) page 13

This DVD camcorder provides two Recording start/stop buttons. One is on the rear side of the camcorder and the other is on the LCD panel. Select the Recording start/stop button that works best for you.

1.Turn the DVD camcorder on.Connect a power source to the DVD camcorder.(A battery pack or an AC power adaptor)Slide the POWER switch downwards to turn the DVD camcorder on.

Set the Storage mode switch to DISC. (SC-DX103/DX105 only) page 30

2.Check the subject on the LCD screen. (Lens and LCD)Set the Lens open/close switch to open (DVD 摄像机模式:录制 / 播放). page 103.Press the Recording start/stop button.The () recording indicator will display, and recording will start.Press the Recording start/stop button again to stop recording.4.When recording is fi nished, turn the DVD camcorder off.

STBY 0:00:00 [30 min]

0:00:00recording/playback [30 min]

请在使用光盘进行录制之前,将存储模式设置 到 DISC ( 仅限 SC-DX103/DX105)


您可以使用遥控器录制影音图像 ( 仅限 SC- DX105)13 DVD 摄像机为您提供两个录制开始 / 停止按钮。一个在摄像机的背面,另一个在摄像机 的 LCD 控制板上。根据用途选择合适操作的录 制开始 / 停止按钮。1.开启 DVD 摄像机。连接电源至 DVD 摄像机。( 安装电池组 或连接交流电源适配器 )向下滑动 POWER 电源开关开启 DVD 摄 像机。将存储介质切换为 DISC ( 仅限 SC- DX103/DX105) 30 2.通过 LCD 显示屏查看被摄的主题。( 镜头和LCD 显示屏 )将镜头开 / 关转换器切换到打开状态


3.按下录制开始 / 停止按钮。屏幕上显示正在录制的指示图标 (),并 且开始录制。再次按下录制开始 / 停止按钮,停止录影。4.完成录制,关闭 DVD 摄像机。
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You should set the, This DVD camcorder provides two, SC- DX105) - Samsung