臺 灣
Getting to Know Your DVD Camcorder 瞭解您的 DVD 攝錄放影機
DVD Disc CamcorderOffers you 30x
You can transfer images to a PC using the USB interface without an
The Photo Capture function lets you capture the scene you want while the disc is in play, and save as a still image on a Memory Card.
1200x Digital ZoomAllows you to magnify an image up to 1200 times its original size.
The DIS compensates for any handshake, reducing unstable images, particularly at high magnification.
Various Digital EffectsThe Digital Effects allow you to give your recordings a special look.
Back Light Compensation (BLC)The BLC function compensates for the bright background behind a subject you’re recording.
Program AEThe Program AE enables you to alter the shutter speed and aperture to suit the type of scene/action to be recorded.
Digital Still Camera Function-Using a Memory Card, you can easily record and playback standard photo images.
-You can transfer standard photo images on a Memory Card to your PC using the USB interface.
Moving Image RecordingMoving image recording makes it possible to record video onto a Memory Card.
Multi Memory Card SlotMulti Memory Card slot that is compatible with Memory Stick (Duo), Memory Stick PRO, MMC and SD.
Multi OSD LanguageYou can select the desired OSD language from OSD list.
DVD 攝錄放影機提供高功能縮放鏡頭:30 倍縮放鏡頭(僅限
您可以使用 USB 介面將影像傳輸到電腦,而不需要附加介面卡。
拍攝相片「拍攝相片」功能可讓您在光碟播放時拍攝您想要的景象,然後將影 像在記憶卡中儲存為靜止影像。
1200 倍數位縮放可以讓您將影像放大至其原始大小的 1200 倍。
彩色 TFT LCD高解析度彩色 TFT LCD 可為您提供明亮、清晰影像,同時具有立即檢 視錄影畫面的功能。
數位防手震功能(DIS)DIS 可補償 因手持拍攝時手抖而引起的影像晃動,尤其是在較高的放 大倍數下。
背光補償(BLC)BLC 功能可以補償您所錄製的主體背後的明亮背景。
程序自動曝光程序自動曝光可以讓您改變快門速度和光圈,以適合所拍攝的場景/動 作類型。
-您可以使用 USB 介面將標準靜態影像從記憶卡傳輸到 PC。
多重記憶卡插槽與 Memory Stick (Duo)、Memory Stick PRO、MMC 和 SD 相容的多重 記憶卡插槽。
多種 OSD 語言您可以從 OSD 清單中選擇所要的 OSD 語言。