臺 灣
Maintaining the Battery Pack
Please refer to the Table on page 22 for approximate continuous recording time.
The recording time is affected by temperature and environmental conditions.
The recording time shortens dramatically in a cold environment. The continuous recording times in the operating instructions are measured using a fully charged Battery Pack at 77 °F (25 °C).
The remaining battery time may differ from the approximate continuous recording times given in the instructions.
When replacing the battery pack, only use the same type as is supplied with this camcorder and is available from your SAMSUNG retailer.
When the Battery reaches the end of its life, please contact your local dealer.
The batteries have to be dealt with as chemical waste.
Make sure that the Battery Pack is fully charged before starting to record.
A brand new Battery Pack is not charged. Before using the Battery Pack, you need to charge it completely.
Fully discharging a Lithium Ion Battery damages the internal cells. The Battery Pack may be prone to leakage when fully discharged.
To preserve battery power, keep your DVD Camcorder turned off when you are not operating it.
If your DVD Camcorder is in Camera Mode, and it is left in STBY mode without being operated for more than 5 minutes with a disc inserted, it will automatically turn itself off to protect against unnecessary battery discharge.
Make sure that the Battery Pack is fitted firmly into place.
Do not drop the Battery Pack. Dropping the Battery Pack may damage it. 請參考第 22 頁的表,以獲知大約的連續錄製時間。 錄製時間會受溫度和環境條件的影嚮。
操作說明中提供的連續錄製時間是在 77°F (25°C) 下使用完全 充電的電池組所測得的結果。
剩餘的電池時間可能會與說明中提供的大約連續錄製時間有所 不同。
更換電池組時,請僅使用與本攝影機隨附電池相同的類型,您可 以向 SAMSUNG 零售商購買所需電池。
在電池到達其使用壽命時,請與當地經銷商聯繫。 必須以處理化學廢物的方式處理該電池。
為節省電池電量,在不使用時請關閉 DVD 攝錄放影機電源。 若 DVD 攝錄放影機處於Camera Mode,並在插入光碟的情況 下,留在 STBY 模式不操作超過 5 分鐘,它將自動關閉以避免不