Block a Number
By adding a caller to your Block list, future calls from this number are sent directly to your voicemail, and messages are not received.
1.From a Home screen, tap Phone.
2.Tap Recents.
3.Tap the caller you want to add to the Block list.
4.Tap G) Details > More options > Block number, and confirm when prompted.
You can also modify the Block list in Settings:
► From a Home screen, tap Phone >
. More options > Settings > Block numbers.
Speed Dial
Assign a shortcut number to a contact for speed dialing their default number.
Create a Speed Dial Assignment
Assign up to 999 speed dial numbers.
1.From a Home screen, tap Phone.
•Tap. •Keypad if the keypad is not displayed.
2.Tap .• More options > Speed dial. The Speed dial screen displays the reserved speed dial numbers.
3.Tap an unassigned number.
•Tap Menu to select a different Speed dial number than the next one in sequence.
•Number1 is reserved for Voicemail.
4.Type in a name or number, or tap Add from Contacts to assign a contact to the number.
•The selected contact is displayed in the Speed dial number box.
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