Before You Start Exercising
This app can be used to monitor your exercise. While moderate physical activity, such as brisk walking, is safe for most people, health experts suggest that you talk with your doctor before you start an exercise program, particularly if you have any of the following conditions:
•Heart disease;
•Asthma or lung disease;
•Diabetes, or liver or kidney disease;
You should also check with your doctor if you have symptoms suggestive of heart, lung, or other serious disease, such as:
•Pain or discomfort in your chest, neck, jaw, or arms during physical activity;
•Dizziness or loss of consciousness;
•Shortness of breath with mild exertion or at rest, or when lying down or going to bed;
•Ankle swelling, especially at night;
•A heart murmur or a rapid or pronounced heartbeat;
•Muscle pain when walking upstairs or up a hill that goes away when you rest.
Finally, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends that you see your doctor before engaging in vigorous exercise if two or more of the following apply:
•You are a man older than age 45 or a woman older than age 55;
•You have a family history of heart disease before age 55;
•You smoke or quit smoking in the past six months;
•You have not exercised for three months or more;
•You are overweight or obese;
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