Recent Files Options, Other Category Options

Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.5


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Recent Files Options

The first category by default is for recently accessed files.

From a Home screen, tap Recent Files Options Apps >  Apps My Files > Recent files.

Search: Search for a file or folder.

More: Tap for the following options:

-Edit: Edit files shown in Recent files.

-Share: Share files.

-Clear recent file history: Clear the Recent files category.-Show/Conceal hidden files: Show or conceal hidden files.

Note: The Edit, Share, and Clear recent file history options become available only after one or more files have been accessed recently.

Other Category Options

Use My File options to search, edit, clear file history, and more.

1.From a Home screen, tap  My Files Apps > Recent files My Files.

2.After tapping a category, the following options are available:

Search: Search for a file or folder.

View as: Change the list style.

More: Tap for the following options:

-Edit: Select files or folders.

-Share: Share files or folders.

-Create folder: Add a folder to the current list. This option is displayed in Local storage categories only.

-Add shortcut: Add a shortcut to the

My Files main screen. This option is displayed in Local storage categories only.



My Files

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Recent Files Options, Other Category Options - Samsung SM-P580NZKAXAR