S Pen Settings, Configure options and settings for the S Pen

Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.5


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S Pen Settings

S Pen Settings

Configure options and settings for the S Pen.

To configure settings for the S Pen:


Pointer: Turn the pointer on or off. The pointer

1. From a Home screen, tap

Apps >Settings


appears on the screen when the tip of the S Pen

2. Tap S Pen to configure the following settings:


is hovering close enough. Holding the pointer


over some features can reveal what an item is or





Air command: Configure the Air command


what it does.




menu. For more information, see “Air Command

Pen detachment


Settings” on page 33.



Detachment options: Choose what should




Air view: Turn Air view on or off.



happen when you detach the S Pen. Choose



Air command, Create note, or None.

Direct pen input: Turn the Direct pen input


Screen off memo: Create notes by detaching


feature on or off. This feature allows you to


switch from the keyboard to the S Pen when


the S Pen while the screen is turned off and then


filling in form fields.




writing on the screen. Screen off notes are saved






in Samsung Notes.





S Pen power saver: Save battery power by






turning off detection of the S Pen while it is











S Pen Settings

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S Pen Settings, Configure options and settings for the S Pen - Samsung