Window controls, Multi window settings

Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.5


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Window controls

Window controls

The Window controls modify the way app windows are displayed in split screen view.

uTap the middle of the window border for the following options:

Multi window settings Add app pair on Home screen: Add the open pair of apps as a shortcut to the Home screen.

Manual background Switch windows: Swap the two windows.

Manual background Open in pop-up view: Open the selected app in a pop-up window.

X Close app: Close the selected app.

Multi window settings

Additional features are available for Multi window.

uFrom Manual background Settings, tap Advanced features > Multi window, and then tap On/Off to enable each of the following options:

Split screen view action: Configure the Recent apps key to switch between full screen view and split screen view.

Pop-up view action: Swipe down diagonally from either the right or left top corner of the screen to put the app into pop-up view.

Getting started


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Window controls, Multi window settings - Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.5