Contacts Settings, Delete a Group

Samsung Galaxy S4


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Delete a Group

Delete a Group

Preset groups, such as Family, cannot be deleted.

1.From a Home screen, tap Preset groups, such as Family, cannot be deleted.2.Tap  Groups.3.Tap  Menu > Delete group.Contacts Settings Apps > 2.Tap  Menu > Settings > Contacts. Contacts.

2.Tap 3.Tap an option and follow the onscreen instructions. Groups.3.Tap Manual background Menu > Delete group.

4.Tap groups to select them or tap the selected checkbox at the top of the screen to select all, and then tap DONE.

5.Tap Group only to only delete the group or tap Groups and members to delete the groups and the contacts in the groups.

Contacts Settings

These settings allow you to modify settings associated with using the Contacts app.

1.From a Home screen, tap Manual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual background Apps > Manual background Contacts.

2.Tap Manual background Menu > Settings > Contacts.3.Tap an option and follow the onscreen instructions.







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Contacts Settings, Delete a Group - Samsung Galaxy S4 SCH-I545ZWALRA