Edit notes, Notes options, Notes menu

Samsung Galaxy S8


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Edit notes


Edit notes

Make edits to notes you create.

1.From,Q Samsung Notes, tap a note to view it.

2.Tap Notes options Edit, and make changes. When you are finished, tap Save.

Notes options

You can edit, share, or manage notes.

From Q Samsung Notes, tap More options for the following options:

Edit: Select notes to share, delete, or move.

Sort by: Change the way notes are organized.

View by: Switch between Grid, List, or Simple list.

Notes menu

You can view your notes by category.


From Q Samsung Notes, tap - Menu for the following options:

All notes: View all notes.

Frequently used: Quick access to commonly used notes.

Trash: View deleted notes.

Categories: View notes by category.

0 Settings: View settings for the Samsung Notes app.


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Edit notes, Notes options, Notes menu - Samsung Galaxy S8