Stopwatch, Timer

Samsung Galaxy S8


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Time zone converter

Set a time in a city on your World clock list to see what the local times would be in the other listed cities.

1. From Q Clock, tap World clock.

2. Tap More options > Time zone converter.

3.Tap Timer Menu to choose a different city.

To add a city to the list, tap +Add city.

4.Swipe the hours, minutes, and period (AM or PM) on the clock to set a time. Local times for the other cities listed are automatically updated.

To return the clock to the current time, tap Reset.


The Stopwatch lets you time events down to a hundredth of a second.

1.From Q Clock, tap Stopwatch.

2.Tap Start to begin timing.

To keep track of lap times, tap Lap.

3.Tap Stop to end timing.

To continue timing after stopping the clock, tap Resume.

To reset the Stopwatch to zero, tap Reset.


Set a countdown timer for up to 99 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds.

1.From Q Clock, tap Timer.

2.Use the keypad and tap Hours, Minutes, and Seconds to set the Timer.

3.Tap Start to begin the Timer.

To temporarily stop the Timer, tap Pause. To continue, tap Resume.

To stop and reset the Timer, tap Cancel.

To save a preset timer, tap +Add preset timer.


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Stopwatch, Timer - Samsung Galaxy S8 SM-G950UZKABST