View passwords, Security update service, Device administration, Decrypt SD card

Samsung Galaxy S8


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Decrypt SD card



,\j, NOTE Performing a Factory data reset on your device prevents it from accessing an encrypted SD card. Before initiating a Factory data reset, make sure to decrypt the installed SD card first.

Decrypt SD card

You can decrypt an optional memory card (not included) if it was encrypted by this device. You may want to decrypt the memory card if you plan to use it with another device or before performing a Factory data reset.

1.From Settings, tap View passwords Biometrics and security > Decrypt SD card.

2.Tap Decrypt SD card and follow the prompts to decrypt all data on your memory card.

View passwords

You can have characters displayed briefly in password fields as you type them.

From Settings, tap Security update service Biometrics and security > Other security settings > Make passwords visible to turn on the feature.

Security update service

You can set your device to automatically check for security updates.

From Settings, tap Device administration Biometrics and security > Other security settings, and then tap Security policy updates to check for security updates.

Device administration

You can authorize security features and apps (like Find My Device) to have administrative access to your device.

1.From Settings, tap Manual background Biometrics and security > Other security settings > Device admin apps.

2.Tap an option to turn it on as a device administrator.


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View passwords, Security update service, Device administration - Samsung