LED Indicator Settings, Touch Key Light Duration, Display Battery Percentage

Samsung Galaxy S III


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1.Press 2.Tap Display, and then tap Font size to select a size. and then tap Touch Key Light Duration > Settings > My device.

2.Tap Display, and then tap Font size to select a size.

Touch Key Light Duration

This feature allows you to set the length of time the Touch key light duration Menu and Display Battery Percentage Back touch keys on the front of your phone remain lit after you tap them.

1.Press Show battery percentage and then tap Auto Adjust Screen Tone > Settings > My device.

2.Tap Display, and then tap Touch key light duration to choose a duration period.

Display Battery Percentage

The battery charge level displays as an icon in the Notification panel by default. This feature allows you to display the battery icon plus the percentage of remaining charge.

1.Press Auto adjust screen tone and then tap LED Indicator Settings > Settings > My device.

2.Tap Display, and then tap the check box beside Show battery percentage to enable or disable the option.

Auto Adjust Screen Tone

When Auto adjust screen tone is enabled, your device automatically analyzes the screen and adjusts the brightness to conserve battery power.

1.Press Charging and then tap Low battery: When enabled, the LED blinks red to indicate low battery charge. > Settings > My device.

2.Tap Display, and then tap the check box beside Auto adjust screen tone to enable or disable the option.

LED Indicator Settings

The LED indicator on the front of the device displays when the device is locked, to notify you of status changes and events. Use LED indicator settings to configure how the LED functions.

1.Press Manual background and then tap Manual background > Settings > My device.

2.Tap LED indicator, and then tap the check box beside options to enable or disable the option:

Charging: When enabled, the LED glows red during charging, and green when the battery is fully charged.

Low battery: When enabled, the LED blinks red to indicate low battery charge.

Notifications: When enabled, the LED blinks blue to show that you have missed calls, new messages, or application events.



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LED Indicator Settings, Touch Key Light Duration - Samsung