Limit for MMS, Slow motion, Fast motion, Effects, Options:, Edit shortcuts

Samsung Galaxy S III


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Limit for MMS: Restrict the length of the video so it can be sent as a message attachment.

Slow motion: Record in slow motion.

Fast motion: Record a in fast motion.

Effects: Apply an effect to videos.


Edit shortcuts: Choose shortcuts to appear on the toolbar. Touch and drag shortcuts between the toolbar and the list.

Use the volume key as: Choose whether pressing the Volume Key zooms in or out when composing a shot, or takes a picture.

GPS Tag: Add GPS location information to video details.

Self-recording: When On, the Camera records with the front Camera.

Flash: Choose the default flash mode.

Recording mode: Choose the default recording mode.

Effects: Apply an effect to videos.

Exposure value: Set the default brightness level.

Timer: Set a delay to wait between touching the Camera button and starting recording.

Resolution: Choose a size for the video.

White balance: Choose a setting for the light source.

Guidelines: Enable or disable an on-screen grid to aid in video composition.

Anti-shake: When enabled, minimizes the effect of camera movement.

Contextual filename: When enabled, the camera assigns a filename to the video file, that includes GPS information.

Save as flipped: When On, pictures or recordings you make using the front camera are saved as a mirror-image (only available when Self-portrait is turned On).

Video quality: Choose a quality setting for videos.

Camera and Video


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Limit for MMS, Slow motion, Fast motion, Effects, Options:, GPS Tag - Samsung