Select input languages, Predictive text, ON/OFF, Predictive text, Auto spacing

Samsung Galaxy S III


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Select input languages: Choose language(s) for use with Samsung keyboard. When you have more than one language enabled, you can slide your finger on the space bar while entering text to switch languages.

Predictive text: Tap the ON/OFF switch to turn predictive text On or Off. Predictive text suggests words matching your text entries, and optionally, completes common words automatically. Tap Predictive text to configure options:

Personalized data: When enabled, predictive text uses personal language data you have entered to make better predictions. Samsung keyboard can collect all the text you enter, including personal data and credit card numbers, in order to give better prediction results.

Learn from Gmail: Log into Gmail to allow your device to learn from your Gmail email.

Learn from Facebook: Log into Facebook to allow your device to learn from your Facebook postings.

Learn from Twitter: Log into Twitter to allow your device to learn from your Twitter postings.

Learn from Messages: Allow your device to learn from your text and multimedia messages.

Learn from Contacts: Allow your device to learn from your Contacts entries.Clear personal data: Remove all personalized data you have entered.

Auto replacement: When turned On, predictive text will complete or replace the word you are typing with the most probable word when you tap the Space bar or a punctuation mark.

Auto capitalization: When enabled, predictive text automatically capitalizes words in your text based on common usage, such as at the beginning of sentences.

Auto spacing: When enabled, predictive text automatically inserts spaces between words.

Auto punctuate: When enabled, a period and space are automatically entered to end a sentence, when you tap the space bar twice.

Keyboard swipe: When enabled, you can enter text by sliding your finger across the keys on the keyboard.

None: When enabled, Samsung Keyboard will not accept text entry by swiping.

T9 Trace: When enabled, you can enter text by swiping your finger across letters on the keyboard.



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Select input languages, Predictive text, ON/OFF, Predictive text - Samsung