Video Options

Samsung Galaxy S III


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4.Tap  Record to begin recording. While recording, you can use these options:

2.Using the display as a viewfinder, compose your shot by aiming the lens at the subject. You can rotate the phone to any position, and the screen controls rotate to make recording easy.

3.As you compose a shot, the Camera automatically focuses the shot (the focus bracket turns green), or you can “pinch” or “spread” your fingers on the screen to zoom in or out.

4.Tap Tap the screen to change the focus area to the area you tapped. Record to begin recording. While recording, you can use these options:Tap the screen to change the focus area to the area you tapped.Tap Tap  Pause to temporarily stop recording. Pause to temporarily stop recording.Tap Tap  Stop to stop recording. Stop to stop recording.

Video Options

Configure options for videos.

1.Press Video Options and tap Configure options for videos. Apps > Self-recording Camera.

2.Configure these options:

Self-recording: Switch between the back camera and the front camera, for recording yourself.

Flash: Choose a flash setting.

Recording mode: Choose an automatic shooting mode. Some modes are not available for Self-recording.

Normal: Record a video of any length (limited only by memory space).

Camera and Video


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Video Options - Samsung Galaxy S III SPH-L710RWPSPR