Increase Volume In Pocket, US Dialing, International Dialing, TTY Mode

Samsung Galaxy S III


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Increase Volume In Pocket

When enabled, this setting uses the proximity sensor to detect when the device is in a pocket or other close-fitting location such as a purse or bag, and increases the volume for incoming call ringtones.

1.Press Increase Volume In Pocket and then tap Increase volume in pocket > Settings > My device.

2.Tap Call, and then tap the check box Increase volume in pocket to enable or the setting.

US Dialing

When enabled, the US dialing option replaces “+” with the international access code for your location.

1.Press US Dialing and then tap US dialing > Settings > My device.

2.Tap Call, and then tap the check box next to US dialing to enable or disable the setting.

International Dialing

When US dialing is enabled, it uses the International dialing code to replace “+”. US dialing must be disabled to access the International dialing code.

1.Press International Dialing and then tap International dialing > Settings > My device.

2.Tap Call, and then tap the check box next to US dialing to disable the setting. US dialing must be disabled to access the International dialing setting.

3.Tap International dialing, and then use the keypad to enter the international dialing code.

4.Tap OK to save the code.

TTY Mode

A TTY (teletypewriter, also known as a TDD or Text Telephone) is a telecommunications phone that allows people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or who have speech or language disabilities, to communicate by telephone.

Your phone is compatible with select TTY phones. Please check with the manufacturer of your TTY phone to ensure that it supports digital wireless transmission. Your phone and TTY phone will connect using a special cable that plugs into your phone’s headset jack. If this cable was not provided with your TTY phone, contact your TTY phone manufacturer to purchase the connector cable.

1. Press TTY Mode and then tap Manual background > Settings > My device.



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Increase Volume In Pocket, US Dialing, International Dialing - Samsung