+Cc/Bcc, Bcc, +Me, Subject, Scheduling options, Priority, Undo, Redo, Font size

Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0


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If you are sending the email message to several recipients, separate the email addresses with a comma. You can add as many message recipients as you want.

Touch Bcc to add a contact to the field.

Touch +Cc/Bcc to add additional carbon copy recipients.

Use the Cc field to carbon copy additional recipients.

Use the Bcc field to blind copy additional recipients.

Touch +Me to add yourself as a recipient.

4.Touch the Subject field to enter a subject.

5.Touch the body of the email to enter the text of your email.

6.While composing a message, the following options may be displayed:

Scheduling options: Tap the Schedule sending box and then set the Time and date for which the email will be sent.

Priority: Set the email priority. Options are: High, Normal, or Low.

Attach: Choose an attachment to add to the message from the listed apps, such as My Files, Images, Take picture, Video, Record video, Audio, S Note, S Planner, Contacts, and Location.

Undo: Erase the previous input.

Redo: Restore the previously erased input.

Insert: Choose an item to insert into the message from the listed apps, such as Images, S Note, S Planner, Contacts, and Location.

Insert quick response: Insert text that you frequently use in emails. For more information, refer to “Account Settings” on page 60.

Font size: Choose a text font size of 9, 10,12, 14, 17, 21, 24, 28, or 36 points.

Bold: Bold the following text. Touch again to turn off bold.

Italics: This action italicizes the subsequent entered text.


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+Cc/Bcc, Bcc, +Me, Subject, Scheduling options, Priority, Undo, Redo - Samsung