Managing Emails, Applications, ➔ Email, Combined inbox, Menu Key, Compose

Samsung Galaxy Player


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Managing Emails
Managing Emails

You can view emails you receive for all accounts in the Combined inbox screen or you can view email accounts individually.

1.From a Home screen, touch Applications 1.From a Home screen, touch Applications

Email Applications ➔ Email  . .

Note: If you only have one email account set up, touch Menu Key 2.Touch one of the following:Add account to display the list of email accounts.

2.Touch one of the following:

Combined inbox: View all emails in a combined inbox.

<account name>: Only view emails for one email account.

3.While viewing the Combined inbox, touch the Menu Key

•Combined inbox: View all emails in a combined inbox. for these options:

Compose: Create and send new email.

Accounts: Displays all email accounts. Touch an account or Combined inbox.

4.While viewing emails for one email account, touch the

Menu Key Combined inbox for these options:

Compose: Create and send new email. For more information, refer to “Composing and Sending Email” on page 52.

Refresh: Update your device from the email server.

Search: Enter keywords to search email.

Accounts: Displays all email accounts. Touch an account or Combined inbox.

List by: View email for this account by Date, Sender, or Read/ Unread.


Account settings: Configure settings. For more information, refer to “Configuring Email Account Settings” on page 53.

Text size: Choose the text size for email in this account. Options are: Small, Medium, and Large.

View mode: Set the view mode to Standard view or Conversation view.

Composing and Sending Email

1.From a Home screen, touch Applications 3.While viewing the Combined inbox, touch the Menu Key

Email Menu Key .

2.Touch an account, if you have set up more than one account.

3.Touch the Menu Key  for these options:Compose.

4.Touch the To field to enter recipients. As you enter names or email addresses, matching contacts display. Touch a contact to add it to the field.

– or –

Touch Recent, Contacts, or Group and select contacts, then touch Add or Submit when all contacts have been selected.


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Managing Emails, Applications, ➔ Email, Combined inbox, Menu Key - Samsung