Maps Menu, Maps, Menu Key, Search, My Places, Clear Map, •More:, Labs, Sign In

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Maps Menu
Maps Menu1.From a Home screen, touch Maps 1.From a Home screen, touch Maps  .Maps 2.While viewing a map, touch the Menu Key  for these options: .2.While viewing a map, touch the Menu Key Menu Key for these options:Search: Find a location.

Directions: Get driving, public transport, or walking directions.

My Places: Display starred locations.Clear Map: Remove search results from the map.

Join Latitude / Latitude: Join or display Latitude, to share your location with friends you choose and Google.

More:Labs: Access experimental features.Sign In: Enter your Google Username and Password, then touch Sign In.

Cache Settings: Set your Automatic caching preference and Clear map tile cache, if necessary.

Help: Learn about Google maps.

Terms, Privacy & Notices: View information about Google Maps, including the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Legal Notices, and Web History.

About: View information about Maps.
Other Map OptionsTouch the indicated icon to use these additional Map options:

Search Maps: Use the keypad to enter your request to Search the map for a city, location, and so on.

Suggestions are displayed as you type. Touch •Search: Find a location. to speak a city, location, and so on, to display.

Places: Launch the Places app. For more information, refer to “Places” on page 65.

Layers: Enable or disable a map layer to display. Choose from Traffic, Satellite, Terrain, Transit Lines, Latitude, My Maps, Bicycling, or Wikipedia. Touch Clear Map to remove previous layers.

Compass: Set the map to always display north at the top of the screen or to automatically rotate like a compass, keeping north on the map facing north, and so on. Your device may have to be calibrated the first time you use this feature. Follow the on-screen instructions.


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Maps Menu, Maps, Menu Key, Search, My Places, Clear Map, •More:, Labs - Samsung