Night Clock
Set up a clock that displays when the phone screen is off. Night mode is available for a maximum of 12 hours.
1.From a Home screen, tap Apps > Settings > Edge screen > Night clock.
2.Tap On/Off to enable Night mode.
3.Tap Start and End to set the duration of the night mode.
Edge Screen Text
Type a personal message to display on the Edge screen.
1.From a Home screen, tap Apps > Settings > Edge screen > Edge screen text.
2.Type the message you want to display.
3.Tap OK.
Edge Screen Timeout
Set an Edge screen timeout value:
1.From a Home screen, tap Apps > Settings > Edge screen > Edge screen timeout.
2.Select a timeout value.
You can display notifications on the Edge screen.
1.From a Home screen, tap Apps > Settings > Edge screen.
2.Tap Notifications to enable this feature.
Settings | 174 | Edge Screen |