Chrome, Device Help

Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0


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Take photos and record video with your device’s built in Camera.Touch Take photos and record video with your device’s built in Camera. Camera.For more information, refer to “Camera” on page 67.


Use ChatON to send and receive instant messages from any device that has a mobile phone number. You can interact with friends and family with text, images, hand-written notes and video shared instantly. You can chat in groups, while a Web client allows the easy sharing of content and conversations between your device and PC.

Touch �Touch  Camera. ChatON.For more information, refer to “ChatON” on page 58.


The Google Chrome app allows you to use the Google Chrome web browser on your tablet.

Touch  Camera Chrome.


You can manage your daily contacts by storing their name and number in your Address Book. Address Book entries can be sorted by name, entry, or group.

You can also synchronize your tablet Address Book with AT&T Address Book, the network backup service.

Touch For more information, refer to “Camera” on page 67. Contacts.For more information, refer to “Contacts” on page 45.

Device Help

AT&T Device Help provides online information to help with your tablet questions.

1.Touch ChatON Device Help.The AT&T Device Help screen displays.2.Follow the onscreen instructions for accessing helpful information.


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Chrome, Device Help - Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 SGH-I467ZWAATT