Downloads, Drive

Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0


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Use the Downloads application to manage all of your downloads from the Play Store and the Internet.

1.Touch 1.Touch  Downloads. Downloads.All of your downloads are listed.2.Touch Sort by size to see your downloads sorted in size order.3.Touch Sort by date to see your downloads sorted in time order.4.Touch Clear list to remove all downloaded items.


Use the Google Drive app to open, view, rename, and share your Google Docs and files.

1.Touch All of your downloads are listed.2.Touch Sort by size to see your downloads sorted in size order. Drive.

2.Sign in to your Google account. For more information, refer to “Creating a New Google Account” on page 10. A product tour displays the first time you access Drive.

3.Touch Next to view the product tour or touch Go to Drive to get started.Tip: Touch Sort by size Menu Product Tour to repeat the product tour at any time.4.Follow the onscreen instructions to use Drive.5.Touch 3.Touch Sort by date to see your downloads sorted in time order. Menu Settings to configure your Drive preferences.6.Touch Sort by date Menu Help to display additional help information.
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Downloads, Drive - Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 SGH-I467ZWAATT