Accountssetting up 40
Adobe PDF 107AlarmTurning Off 95
AllShare Playconfiguring 95
App Shortcuts 32Application Bar 25Application Manager settingsdownloaded apps 122 running services 123
Applications 35 downloading new 106
Applications settingsUSB debugging 139
Back button 24Battery charging 6 indicator 6
installing and removing 6
Bluetoothpairing with a device 88 settings 114
turning on or off 87
BrowserQuick Controls 57
Camcorderrecording video 73 settings 74
Camerasettings 70 taking photos 70
Contacts creating 41 display options 43 exporting and importing 44 groups 45
joining 43 linking 43 namecards 44
separating joined 44
setting a photo as contact icon 80 starred contacts 46
updating 42
Developer Optionsallow mock locations 139
Display settings brightness 119
font style and size 120 wallpaper 119
DivX®registration code 140
Downloadsmanaging 89
DropboxDesktop Application Download 101
EmailCombined view 50 composing and sending 51